

In Poland it is very popular phrase „punkt widzenia zależy od punktu siedzenia” That means point of view it's up of place where are we seating.
My instruction refers to that proverb. I choose chair as popular object in our daily live.
Jose acting my performance. First point of that performance was pushing the chair. The sound of the falling object was like announced the begin of the action. My instruction included few common position that we use a chair.
First position on the floor was the most comfortable because he had to choose most relaxing position.
Another (position which imitate convenient way to sit on a chair) was a bit complicated because he found some inconveniance to do it easily.
When I made that instruction I thought it will be nothing special to copy way how I used to sit. I was wrong .

I recived instruction from Jose. It was two sentenses: „Draw the biggest circle that you possibly can” and a second one : „Draw a biggest one”. When I read it first time I was a bit confused. How can I draw bigger than the biggest circle. Jose told me that I doesn't matter how you will made it so I choose the simplest way. I tryied to make the biggest circle by my hand on the wall I used invisible tool. To draw bigger circle I use my imagination and I was thinking where is the best place to make it and I found it. I couldn't take a picture of it so I used very popular tools to manipulate images.