
Karolína Šafrová- rhetorics

Zero degree
... it all begins from the big bang to the new life through new ideas. So I consider new ideas is the zero degree.
This is my explain of term zero point without your brilliant explanation of the full facts and the very studied methods. To clarify this sentence, I must add that, unfortunately, I am interpreting a lot of information through "common sense" thanks to the language barrier.
It is unbelievable what laws of physics are made by mother earth, which firmly determines the "proven" reality, which suddenly becomes an unreal and transcendental experience since it is completely different for every individual on this planet. Which leads me to the question - Is it the idea a real experience that is fixed? Is it the laws of physics or is it a spiritual experience that we can all enjoy by our own chosen way?
It is about the idea. How such an idea arises is in the stars. We can choose for ourselves which way it come to us, what to inspire. However, to what extent can we filter outside and take only what we want to be influenced from?
So the zero point, as I have already mentioned for myself, is compared to the big bang of the idea that takes place in the head of each individual, the great physical shunt / act that will give us an idea.
So the zero point is just trying to write an essay here. At first I start in the left hemisphere, in the part of the brain where rationality wins. But suddenly I start to write, I start thinking about creative text, intuitively, emotionally thinking about my own opinion, at that moment I welcome the right hemisphere.
From a certain point, it is physics, but the zero point can be explained rationally but also by love, but who calls love as a chemical process? In my opinion, its is an austere opinion, I leaning towards dreamers and my own individuality…
Zero point is gaining momentum, trying to get its own form. By our own intuition and imagination, we subconsciously wrap the "Zero" into colors, chemical processes into real form, into love.

... "Zero" is already in the world and now we have to try to cultivate it. This is the concept of rhetoric for me, as a small child born in the mother's belly, we have been born in the head of "Zero", trying to shape it into our own image.
My opinion is that a child is a finished person, all bad experiences, qualities, fears, but also good impressions concepts, umy, gains man through growth-experience.
I think it is similar in art.
In my case, when I was supported in childhood and led to art, from attending a folk school, a high school stonemason, a bachelor's degree, and now a master's degree. It is obvious that my mind already has some strict opinions. I have been influenced and formed from an early age, but most people will have it like me. Therefore, the rhetoric in my art is strongly influenced by sculpture and painting, which is almost a meditation for me, ... but also by people who have fascinated me in my life, as well as hurt me.
I see rhetoric as the subject of zero point formation. It is possible to express, through gestures, facial expressions, shape, sound, color, material, feeling, emotion ... a very positive attitude towards Henri Matisse's work - his flatness, color, movement, figural motif. The subconscious associations woke me up frequently in his work.
So, we have many ways to rhetorically capture the idea of ​​paper or canvas until it is carved into stone. However, this formation is related to experience, which is a very deep-rooted vision for me, which I intuitively and subconsciously display without much consideration.

My own rhetoric and zero point in the form of colored drawings.
I have a sort of obsessive rhetorical need in my head to portray the naked bodies of women, in various shapes, movements, moods, fonts, emotions and colors. It is so often a subject that naked bodies lose anatomy and a single woman depicted on canvas is no longer the main factor. The main factor is the overall picture. It is therefore my daily zero point and also the rhetorical way of expression.
So, finally, I come to my concept- the woman- inspiration in the Portuguese mosaic. So I have to say that the mosaic in Portugal really hit me. I feel that I see another dimension in my stylized women, that of creating my own mosaic of thought through stylized drawings of women.
It brings me to the idea of ​​portraying a performance on my own personality, observing and exploring my own psyche as it reacts as an element of changing the environment, different culture, climate and other organisms in the new empire in Portugal. Let your work flow freely, grow, after a period of life in Portugal, build your own mosaic gradually….

Now, something is forcing me to devote myself to the aforementioned deviation, getting out of something, in my case it's about changing the environment. Abandoning the stereotype, running tracks, the life I know well, the routine that accompanies me day after day. Beginning of improvisation and getting off the comfort zone. The obsessive desire to paint the bodies of women persists, although the overall picture has several changes, changes that come from change and a certain step into the unknown. New elements appear in the colored drawing, more releases of the addition of natural motifs, more optimistic colors. Women slowly cease to be slightly violent cramps, begin to casually dance and wiggle over the surface of the paper.
So how could my work continue? It brings me to the beginning again, the circle, the sphere, the earth rotates, the big bang, the zero point, the new idea. The cycle of life that repeats itself.
The intent and obsession of female body design, without the female body? To get rid of descriptive outputs concretizing the female body as a rather sexual object. To render the final act or form more as an association of a woman, to accept a woman as a tender, loving, loving, mother element, a cult worshiping from ancient times. Put the touch of a woman in her work through the tenderness of flowers, flower buds and purple colors, but that's in the stars.
I am interested in this essay rather as the zero point of a longer-term project of my development. Leave the butterfly out of the pupa.

But the deviation in art is individual for everyone, the deviation is something that attracts the most attention, the greatest interest of the viewer ... it is as if a drop of paint accidentally hits the picture. All the attention will suddenly fall on the drop that is unrelated to the overall picture. We can often attribute the deviation to chance, let's see Dadaism, a style that is based on the deviation, on the work that arises from the resistance to the war. and stigma of violence.

"To make a Dadaist Poem (1920) Take a newspaper. Take some scissors. An em em your em your Cut out the article. Next carefully cut out the words that make this article and put them all in a bag. Shake gently. Next take out each one. Copy conscientiously in the order in which they left the bag. The Poem Will Resemble You. And there you are — an infinitely original author of charming sensibility, even though unappreciated by the vulgar herd. ”- Tristan Tzara

Futurism, which preached through Marinetti's manifests, has the opposite meaning, but it is again a deviation, breaking out of the "drab" slow world and purifying the planet with war. The deviation is something that does not correspond to the routine life routine.
It's something that makes nothing of anything. Deviation is a sign of individuality for me.

Confrontation with the viewer.
How does confrontation come about? How does something or someone show interest in, in this case, an art object. I think exactly in this case it is just a deviation. Deviation is a very important factor in attracting the viewer. When we see something new or unusual, the stimulus gets our attention. In the same way, the Portuguese mosaic, which is so common and stereotypical for a person living here, has a magical effect on me. Confrontation also arises from emotions, whether positive or negative. I think that for an effective confrontation it is necessary to learn to properly balance on the edge of good and bad, since all that is is comfort and does not force man to exaggerated emotions. Confrontation is a physical law - Action brings a reaction.
Is there a place for rhetoric in contemporary thinking about images and artistic processes?
This is a very difficult question for a long polemic, because today's world brings us a lot of possibilities. It brings me to individuality again. The way that each individual can choose.
Yes, there is a place for rhetoric.
No, there's no place for rhetoric.
Is there a correct answer to this question?

Whenever we have the right argument, it can lead us to the answer we want to hear. If there is no place for rhetoric today, there wouldn't be a many different styles, disciplines, professions. Today we cultivate our zero point, our way of thinking, we have a choice. Freedom of speech. I am a child born in democracy. I am not plagued by war, poverty, hunger. So I speak for myself and try to understand and go my own individual way.